sobota 6. října 2007


Podzim je čas na čaj a dopisy. Jeden za všechny, protože to je podzim, to je fall.
E-Bow The Letter

Look up. What do you see? All of you and all of me, fluorescent and starry, some of them they surprise. busride. I went to write this, 4 a.m., this letter. Fields of poppies, little pearls. All the boys and all the girls--sweet-toothed, each and every one a little scary. I said your name. I wore it like a badge of teenage film stars, hash bars, cherry mash and tin foil tiaras. Dreaming of Maria Callas, whoever she is. This fame thing, I don't get it. I wrapped my hand in plastic to try to look through it. Maybelline eyes and girl-as-boy moves. I can take you far. This star thing, I don't get it. [I'll take you over. I'll take you there.] Aluminum, it tastes like fear. Adrenaline, it pulls us near. Will you live to 83? Will you ever welcome me, will you show me something that nobody else has seen? Smoke it, drink. Here comes the flood, anything to thin the blood. These corrosives do their magic slowly, and sweet. Phone, eat it, drink. Just another chink, cuts and dents they catch the light. Aluminum, the weakest link. I don't want to disappoint you. I'm not here to anoint you. I would lick your feet but is that the sickest move, I wear my own crown, and sadness, and sorrow, and who'd of thought tomorrow could be so strange? My loss. And here we go again. [I'll take you over. I'll take you there.] Aluminium, it tastes like fear. Adrenaline, it pulls us near. It tastes like fear. It pulls us near. Look up. What do you see? All of you and all of me, flourescent and starry, some of them they surprise. I can't look it in the eyes. Seconal, spanish fly, absinthe, kerosene, cherry-flavored neck and collar. I can smell the sorrow on your breath. The sweat, victory and sorrow. This smell thing, I got it. [I'll take you over. I'll take you there.] Aluminum, it tastes like fear. Adrenaline, it pulls us near. It tastes like fear. It pulls us near. It tastes like fear. It pulls us near.

(A ještě drobnost do závorky, na kterou jsem narazil o chvilku později.)

Update 7/10:
Corwex duchaplně přihodil odkaz na video.

2 komentáře:

  1. Anonymní6/10/07 12:38

    Dovolím si přidat odkaz, protože to rezignované tragično v hlase tam myslím hraje roli:

    (Mimochodem, živá verze s Yorkem je příjemně divná. A trochu divné mi přijde to uveřejnění textu v jednom bloku, ale možná jsem v tom sám.)

  2. corwex: Za ten odkaz na video díky. A ten jeden blok jsem zachoval ze dvou důvodů. Jednak je to čistý copy/paste z webu REM a pak je to koneckonců přece dopis.
